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2003-08-26, 9:41 p.m.

How is it that we can have sex and you seem to be able to cut loose at all times and seem to really be in the moment. I can be that way at some times during sex, but not all.

I'll be into it while you're fucking me and then I'll wonder if you can see my disgusting body. Then I tense up.

Yesterday while my feet were on your chest, I looked at you and your head was back, your eyes were closed and you seemed to be thinking about nothing but how it felt.

It felt good, but I realized how vulnerable I felt and tensed up. It wasn't like you were doing me from behind and I could hide my face. I was out there.

I think I need to drink more often.

What do you think about when we're having sex? How can you be so relaxed?

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