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Letter to _ _ _ _
2003-04-14, 6:13 p.m.

I was lying in bed today, taking a short nap when it hit me.

I love you. And not because you're just a good fuck. Someone told me I was in lust. I laughed. But I thought about it.

This is lust.

Right now, I love you just as you are. I love your body. I love touching your skin. I love looking at your hands. I love your voice. You're a bull in a china closet and I love that too. I love your lips. I love your laugh. I love hearing your voice.

If you were in an accident and were suddenly paraplegic, my feelings about you wouldn't change. You'd still be the same person. You'd more than likely laugh the same. If you couldn't laugh, you'd smile. I'd feed you. I'd read to you. I'd just hang out with you. I'd love you.

I have a serious case of lust here.

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