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"The Beast"
2003-08-23, 11:42 p.m.

The beast has me tightly around the neck. I can't hope to move; I can't hope to rid myself of it. I falter slightly. My world is growing darker. There is nothing I fear more than the beast loosening its grip now. I'd rather die than live, after the pain it's caused.

I close my eyes and open my lips to breathe. All I can do is make these pathetic squeaking noises as I suffocate while the beast tightens my throat. My fingers find themselves clawing the beast; I feel the pain as the nails dig into my pale flesh by mistake.

Just as everything seems to get dark, my blue eyes burst open. I realize I am in the ice-cold bathtub, which is becoming increasingly more cloudy with blood. That's my blood. I gingerly touch my neck which has begun to sting. I stand slowly and wobbly, gribbing the bathroom sink for support, and I peer into the mirror. Before I can begin to scream at the gore before me, I begin fading into the dark and cloudy peacefulness. Maybe I shouldn't have taken so many pills...

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